CBD products supplement the endocannabinoids produced naturally by your body, providing additional stimulation to the CBr within your Endocannabinoid system. Emerging research continues to reinforce the positive relationship between your ECS and the overall homeostasis of your body, including physical, mental, and emotional health.

Using CBD products – and which products you use – is a personal decision and reasoning may vary from individual to individual. One person might use it for the positive effect it has on one particular aspect of their health, while others are looking to improve their overall well-being.

Discuss your reasons for considering CBD products with our employees so they can help you choose the products and dosage most likely to help you see the results that are important to you.

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Q: Can CBD products get me high?

A: No. The ingredient that creates the “high” of marijana is THC. Broad-Spectrum products have no THC while Full-Spectrum products are limited to 0.3% THC (the federally-mandated limit) which is not enough to cause a “high”

Q: Is CBD Legal?

A: The 2018 Farm Bill officially classified hemp with less than 0.3% THC as an approved agricultural crop and removed hemp-derived products with less than 0.3% THC from the government’s Schedule 1 status. So at the federal level, hemp-derived CBD is legal. However, each state has the right to create its own laws and regulations, so it’s best to research the specific laws of any state in which you intend to buy or sell CBD products.

Q: Can I overdose on CBD?

A: Cannabinoids have no known toxicity, but we recommend starting with a low dosage and increasing incrementally until you experience your desired results.